Fresh batch of 42″/105cm Medical Hoses in stock NOW!!!
Category: General
Gas Mask / Respirator Hoses – 105cm / 42″
NEW Product
Antistatic Rubber Genuine Medical Hose + RubberFusion designed Male and Female Fittings.
Small stock available.
Restraints – Keeping you still for 15 years…
They come and they go, blow in and out like the weather……… I’m still here, making the ever improving Heavy Rubber Restraints as I have been for all that time. I’m currently experimenting with as many different compounds as I can lay my hands on (most are crap by-the-way).
Always experimenting, customising individual designs and providing bespoke one-offs, for client confidentiality I won’t even post picture of the bespoke items unless the client is ok with it.
A few pictures of the “Standard” fayre…………… I say “Standard”, these are far superior to most…… as I’m sure all my previous clients will tell you.
REV: Popper Pots and Bottles
I’ve been making Popper Pots and Inhalator Bottles for over 10years, most you’ll see for sale have been ripped-off from my ideas and designs, some more so obvious than others.
Revision X Popper Pot
Compact aluminium pot, perfect size for cotton wool pads with a custom designed cap which will accept your standard NATO/GOST/BS 40mm hose connected to your mask. The cap is vented to make this a really neat compact design.
Revision X Inhalator Bottles
Chemical Resistant Plastic or Aluminium, your choice! Most people prefer plastic as they like to see the bubbles as they draw breath through the liquid. The cap is another custom design combining the screw thread of the bottle and a NATO/GOST/BS 40mm compatible thread to connect to the hose on your mask.
More Photo’s:
Just an idea………
My brain spins with ideas all the time, actually managed to get one of them mocked up, then it got carried away………..
It’s an Ultimate Popper Assembly (copied by many, as with a lot of the stuff I make), but, with the addition of a 6 litre N²O bag charged with 2 whippets (each approx. 3.0L of gas). There’s a valve to hold the gas in the bag until you want to take a suck, or your “Patient” needs some therapy.
I coupled this to my Studio Gum NKMb as it’s got an anaesthesia mask built in along with massive head compression when it’s pumped……….
Then filled the trolley for Mistress with my favourite things, Clejuso No.15’s, Clejuso No.15-18’s, Clejuso No.8 Leg Irons and few of Mistresses favourite toys……….